Design & Human Experience

"Creative work reaches deep into our intuitive and unconscious minds, into our hearts and feelings.the sea change design process helped to define your calling and its embedded meaning. Now you will examine the ways in which this abstract idea can be interpreted and represented in visual form, offering clarity, embedded meaning and understanding to the viewer. 
Stay away from literal translation and use metaphors and story telling for your design.emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. You will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills."

"Visualize a highly abstract idea that source from your growing awareness of the deeper aspects of yourself in your own personal voice by exploring design elements, typography and diverse processes: eg drawing, photography, xerography, abstraction, typography, collage, textures, sculpture, different types of materials: paper, fabric, vellum, cardboard, metal, wood, foil..."

Inspiration – Dandelion

I photographed a dandelion swaying alone in a field of grass. I sensed a feeling of isolation which reflects on a big part of my life. Isolation, anxiety, and other mental stressors fill the mind; I often had a difficult time expressing myself due to my past. Whether the stressors involved family, relationships, friends, and so forth, I constantly felt dependent on someone or something. 
I have succumbed to a life of isolation, the nature of it makes me want to be alone, but often detest the feeling of it as well. Music and the arts has impacted my life in great measures. I feel like I can do anything from a stroke of a pen to singing a catchy song. The arts has made me feel more independent and accepting of myself.
The dandelion and its spherical and explosive nature is what I wanted to represent myself as through the design. In the silence of the night, the girl in the design decides to blow on this seemingly illuminating dandelion. The parachutes come off individually. Every breathe she took gave her a sense of comfort. She realizes that everything is okay and that, by nature, we are who we are and we should allow ourselves to embrace our own inner light. 
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